Respiratory Health Awards
The Respiratory Health Awards nominations open in the fall. Award recipients will be announced during the ATS International Conference.
Edward Livingston Trudeau Medal
The Trudeau Medalist is an individual with major contributions to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders through leadership in research, education, or clinical care. This award acknowledges exemplary professionalism, collegiality and citizenship in the ATS community. The Trudeau Medal is the highest honor bestowed by the ATS and is given in honor of Edward Livingston Trudeau, a founder and the first president of the American Lung Association.
Distinguished Achievement Award
Recognizing outstanding contribution to the ATS mission's advancement through a single major accomplishment or a cumulative impact on the field. Awardees have substantially contributed to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lung disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders through leadership in research, education, or clinical care.
Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments
recognizes outstanding scientific research contributions in basic or clinical arenas to enhance the understanding, prevention and treatment of respiratory disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders and recognizes exemplary professionalism, collegiality and citizenship through mentorship and scientific involvement in the ATS community.
Research Innovation and Translation Achievement Award
recognizes outstanding contribution to the development of respiratory research focused on specific innovations to improve health by advancing practice, policy, and health care delivery
World Lung Health Award
The World Lung Health Award recognizes contributions to improving world lung health in translational or implementation research, delivery of healthcare, continuing education or care of patients with lung disease, or related political advocacy with a special emphasis on efforts that have the potential to eliminate gender, racial, ethnic, or economic health disparities worldwide.
Amberson Lecturer
The Amberson Lecture recognizes a career of major contributions to clinical or basic research that has advanced our fundamental understanding of the basic, translational, or clinical approaches to respiratory disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders. This award also recognizes exemplary professionalism, collegiality and citizenship through mentorship and leadership in the ATS community. The Lecture is given in honor of James Burns Amberson, an international authority on chest disease and tuberculosis.
J Randall Curtis Humanism Award
The J. Randall Curtis Humanism Award recognizes and celebrates individuals whose work reflects the ideals espoused by Dr. Curtis throughout his career of compassion, humanism and mentorship. The recipient should reflect these values in daily practice and to continuously strive to be exemplars of humanism in healthcare. This award assesses their professional and personal skills, and professional and academic activities that provide evidence of the following qualities and characteristics: exceptional mentoring skills, compassionate delivery of patient care, competence in scientific endeavors, respect for patients, families and colleagues, embodiment of the values of diversity, equity and inclusion in their daily work and life, effective, empathic communication and listening skills and service to community.
Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Science
The Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Science recognizes demonstrated potential for significant achievement and contributions. This award is aimed at the rising generation of individuals who will be tomorrow’s leaders in science. When nominated most awardees were in a mentored stage of career development.
Outstanding Clinician Award
The Outstanding Clinician Award recognizes an individual who has made substantial contributions in the clinical care of patients with lung disease on a local or national level. The nominee must be a pulmonary, critical care or sleep clinician who spends 75% or more of their time providing direct patient care. Nominees must be recognized by patients and families as a caring and dedicated healthcare provider and by their peers as having made substantial contributions to the clinical care of patients with respiratory disease.
Outstanding Educator Award
The Outstanding Educator Award recognizes lifetime achievements and excellence in clinical or research education and mentoring in pulmonary, critical care or sleep medicine.
Public Service Award
The Public Service Award recognizes contributions to public and population health equity related to, for example, improvement of air quality, eradication of tobacco usage, prevention of lung disease, advocacy, improved management of communicable respiratory diseases, or improvement in the ethical delivery, and access to healthcare in areas related to lung diseases, sleep health, or critical care.
ATS Code of Conduct
When the Society awards an honor, the honor reflects the Society's judgment that the honoree's contributions to, and effect on, the field are exemplary. The Society takes into account the totality of the individual's work, professional conduct, ethics and reputation. It expects those who hold honors to embody highly professional and ethical conduct in their work and interactions with others during their careers. As part of that commitment, when submitting the nomination, nominators must include a statement attesting, to the best of their knowledge, that the nominee's conduct has conformed to the values and expectations in the Policy on Professionalism and Ethical Conduct, and there have been no allegations against the nominee to the contrary, except to the extent you have disclosed them to ATS in your statement. The ATS will ask nominees to complete a form for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest with the Society’s mission.
Dean Sheppard, MD
ATS Awards Committee
To view past awardees, please visit the Conference History.
For information about the Respiratory Health Awards, please contact Miriam Rodriguez.
ATS Assembly Awards
The ATS Assembly Award Committees invite you to submit nominations recognizing individuals who have made outstanding contributions. Awards will be presented at the ATS International Conference.
If you should experience any technical difficulties during the nomination process, please contact Tara Walsh.
Nominations open in September.
- Read through the brief description for each award below
- Select the Assembly Award you wish to submit a nomination
- You will be able to view a more detailed description along with the criteria for each award
- Read the criteria carefully
- Fill out the nomination form, making sure all required fields are accounted for
- Please note: If you would like to upload more than one letter of support, you must save each letter together in PDF form and upload it as one file.
- Once all documents are uploaded, click SUBMIT
Allergy, Immunology, and Inflammation (AII)
Early Career Achievement Award
This award recognizes junior faculty with exemplary achievements in a scientific area of the AII Assembly who demonstrates clear promise for a future of sustained productivity. There is a single award given out per year in which the awardee will receive a framed certificate and make a 5-minute presentation of their work at the Assembly Membership Meeting. There is no monetary award for this recognition.
International Early Career Award
This award recognizes a junior faculty with their primary appointment outside of the United States or Canada with exemplary achievements in a scientific area of interest to the Assembly, and who demonstrates clear promise for a future of sustained productivity. There is a single award given out per year in which the awardee will receive a framed certificate and make a 5-minute presentation of their work at the Assembly Membership Meeting. There is no monetary award for this recognition.
Rising Star Award
This award recognizes early junior faculty with a trajectory of achievements in a scientific area of the AII Assembly who demonstrates exemplary promise for a future of achievement. The awardee of the Rising Star Achievement Award will present their work at the Science and Innovation Center during the ATS International Conference. Certificates will also be awarded during the session. There is no monetary award for this recognition.
Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is intended for an established, internationally recognized investigator with a record of sustained exemplary achievement in the scientific areas of the Assembly. There is a single award given per year where the awardee will receive a framed certificate and make a 5-minute presentation of their work to the AII Assembly at the annual Assembly Membership Meeting. There is no monetary award given for this recognition.
Mid Career Award
This award recognizes mid-career faculty who are emerging as national and/or international leaders in their respective fields and have made meaningful contributions in the fields of pulmonary, critical care, allergy, immunology and inflammation.
Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR)
Emerging Career Award
The award will be given to a very early career individual with demonstrated potential to make outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions relevant to behavioral and social sciences, clinical epidemiology, statistics, health services research, health economics, comparative clinical efficacy and effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, performance measurement, quality improvement, or implementation science. This award is to recognize individuals with burgeoning talent and dedication to a career applying these methodologies to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders, and who have already demonstrated significant engagement within the BSHSR Assembly, or ATS as a whole. The award committee encourages nominations from groups who are under-represented in medicine. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International conference. For guidance regarding whether a nominee is more appropriate for the Emerging or Early Award category, please reach out to the BSHSR Planning Committee Chair ahead of the submission deadline.
Early Career Achievement Award
The award will be given to an early career individual who has made outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions relevant to behavioral and social sciences, clinical epidemiology, statistics, health services research, health economics, comparative clinical efficacy and effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, performance measurement, quality improvement, or implementation science. This award is to recognize individuals who have applied these methodologies to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders early in their career, and who have made significant contributions to the BSHSR Assembly and the ATS as a whole. The award committee encourages nominations from groups who are under-represented in medicine. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International Conference. For guidance regarding whether a nominee is more appropriate for the Emerging or Early Award category, please reach out to the BSHSR Planning Committee Chair ahead of the submission deadline.
Mid-Career Achievement Award
The award will be given to a mid-career individual who has made outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions relevant to behavioral and social sciences, clinical epidemiology, statistics, health services research, health economics, comparative clinical efficacy and effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, performance measurement, quality improvement, or implementation science. This award is to recognize individuals who have applied these methodologies to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders during their career, and who have made significant contributions to the BSHSR Assembly and the ATS as a whole. The award committee encourages nominations from groups who are under-represented in medicine. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International conference.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The award will be given to an individual who has made outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions or has provided outstanding service relevant to the behavioral or social sciences, clinical epidemiology, statistics, health services research, health economics, comparative clinical efficacy and effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, performance measurement, quality improvement, or implementation science. This award is to recognize individuals who have applied these methodologies to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders, and who have made outstanding contributions to the Assembly on Behavioral Sciences and Health Services Research (BSHSR) and the ATS as a whole. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International Conference.
Clinical Problems (CP)
Annual Educator Award
This award is given in recognition of outstanding expertise as a clinician and educator, and a significant contribution to clinical education in pulmonary/critical care medicine. We encourage nomination of diverse nominees, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation.
Annual Mentoring Award
This award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to mentoring, training, and guidance of junior pulmonary/critical care medicine individuals and/or colleagues in research, or clinical care. We encourage nomination of diverse nominees, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation.
Early Career Achievement Award
The award will be given to an individual who has made outstanding scientific contributions in clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research relevant to Clinical Problems. This award is to recognize an individual who has made these contributions early in his or her career (Instructor or Assistant Professor level or at an equivalent rank in a non-academic institution). We encourage nomination of diverse nominees, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation.
Clinical Problems International ATS Member Award
The award will be given to an international ATS member who has made outstanding contributions to any one of the following arenas:
- Investigating clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research topics relevant to Clinical Problems
- Mentoring, training, and guiding junior pulmonary/critical care medicine individuals and/or colleagues in research or clinical care
- Educating, teaching, or supporting training of individuals from any background (RN, RT, MD, PhD, etc.) who work in pulmonary/critical care medicine
This award is to recognize an individual at any phase of their career. We encourage nomination of diverse nominees, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus, and primary occupation.
Critical Care (CC)
Early Career Achievement Award
This award recognizes a junior faculty with exemplary achievements in a scientific area of interest to the Assembly and who demonstrates clear promise for a future of sustained productivity. The awardee will be honored at the CC Assembly gathering at the ATS International Conference.
International Early Career Achievement Award
This award recognizes a junior faculty with their primary appointment outside of the United States or Canada with exemplary achievements in a scientific area of interest to the Assembly and who demonstrates clear promise for a future of sustained productivity. Nominees from low-middle income countries are encouraged, and nominators should describe the environment of the nominee. The awardee will be honored at the CC Assembly gathering at the ATS International Conference. There is a small monetary award for this recognition (note: this will not cover expenses of travel to the meeting).
Extraordinary Achievement Award
This award is given in appreciation of a career devoted to research, and teaching of the science and practice of critical care medicine, as well as outstanding service to the Assembly on Critical Care. The awardee will be honored at the CC Assembly gathering at the ATS International Conference.
Mid-Career Award
This award is given to an individual with a clear commitment to the Critical Care Assembly and the ATS, with demonstrated significant and meaningful contributions to the CCA in the area(s) of research, clinical care, quality improvement, teaching, mentoring, promoting diversity, advocacy, and/or service. The awardee will be honored at the CC Assembly gathering at the ATS International Conference.
Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH)
Mid-Career Achievement Award
This is award is given to a primary EOPH member with exemplary commitment to EOPH (and ATS), to advancing the mission of the assembly, and with demonstrated significant and sustained contributions to the assembly in the areas of research, improving public health, teaching, mentoring, and/or service (may include leadership). Individuals eligible for consideration at the associate professor level (or equivalent), within <5 years of full Professor, or within 10-20 years from first faculty/investigator appointment. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged.
John Peters Award
The award is given for outstanding contributions to environmental, occupational, or population health through leadership in research, education, and/or public health. The award will be presented at the ATS International Conference. The awardee will receive a plaque and a monetary award of up to $500. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged.
Early Career Achievement Award
This award is given to a primary EOPH member with exemplary support and commitment to the EOPH mission and with recognized contributions to the assembly in the areas of research, improving public health, teaching, mentoring, and/or service (not necessarily leadership). Individuals eligible for consideration are within 10 years from completion of postdoctoral training. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged.
Nursing (NUR)
Early Career Achievement Award
The award will be given to a Nursing Assembly member who has made outstanding contributions relevant to nursing in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, and/or service. Additionally, this person shows commitment and support of the Nursing Assembly and ATS. The award recognizes individuals who have made valuable contributions focused on patient and family responses related to pulmonary conditions, critical illness, or sleep disorders early in his or her career. The awardee will be presented with a framed certificate at the annual Nursing Assembly meeting during the ATS International Conference. We encourage applications from nominees with diverse backgrounds (e.g. by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation).
Mentorship Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize exceptional contributions to mentoring and training of early career individuals in research and/or clinical practice. We encourage applications from: 1) Midcareer individuals (e.g. 6 + years since completion of post graduate training) who have mentored undergraduate and/or graduate students in research and/or clinical care; 2) senior investigators who have mentored pre- and/or post-doctoral scholars and; 3) early career faculty and clinicians. Individuals with a record of mentoring interdisciplinary and interprofessional colleagues and/or mentoring efforts that achieve a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment in nursing are preferred. We encourage applications from nominees with diverse backgrounds.
Marilyn Hansen Award
This award is given in recognition of outstanding achievement and highest rated abstract submitted by a nurse to a Nursing Assembly category.
Pediatrics (PEDS)
Lifetime Contribution Award
The Assembly on Pediatrics will be presenting its Lifetime Contributions to the Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Award. This award is given to a candidate at the Professor or Professor Emeritus level who is recognized for achievement in teaching, clinical care, research, advocacy, or scholarship over the course of their entire career. The individual should be known for dedicating their life to the advancement of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. This award will honor the individual’s contributions which significantly enhanced child lung health. Candidates in Pediatric Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Neonatal Medicine will be considered.
Pediatric Clinician Educator Award
The Pediatric Clinician Educator Award recognizes a candidate at the late Assistant or Associate Professor level for their outstanding and innovative clinical and teaching abilities.
Robert B. Mellins, MD Award
The Pediatrics Assembly is pleased to announce the Robert B. Mellins, M.D. Outstanding Achievement Award, given to a candidate at the Instructor, Assistant Professor, or early Associate Professor level, who is recognized for achievement in scholarship or research achievements over the course of their career to date.
Mid-Career Outstanding Contributions Award
This award is given to a mid-career candidate who is recognized for achievements in research, mentorship, clinical care, education, advocacy, or scholarship. Individuals should be known for their contributions to the field of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. Candidates in Pediatric Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Neonatal Medicine will be considered.
Carole L. Marcus Outstanding Achievement Award
This award is intended to recognize the career accomplishments in the area of pediatric sleep and respiratory neurobiology. This encompasses the areas of control of breathing, sleep mechanisms, and sleep-disordered breathing from a developmental standpoint, among infants, children, or adolescents. This may include research at the basic, translational, clinical, or population level, teaching, clinical care and/or development of new clinical programs to advance the care of children with sleep and breathing disorders. The award is intended to recognize a new investigator who is beyond formal training, but not yet fully established. It is not intended for well-established investigators. It is also not intended as recognition for a single project, but rather for overall accomplishments and future potential.
Pulmonary Circulation (PC)
Leadership Award
The Pulmonary Circulation Leadership Award is given annually in the Appreciation of Decades of Leadership and Devoted Service to the Pulmonary Circulation Research Community.
Mid-Career/Senior Fellowship Research Achievement Award
This award will be given to one individual with a promising career trajectory who has made outstanding scientific contributions relevant to the understanding of the vascular basis of lung disease, including basic science at the level of the cell and molecular biology, lung vascular physiology, translational biology, or clinical medicine. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the annual PC Membership Meeting during the ATS International Conference.
Early Career/Junior Fellowship Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize scientific achievements from ATS PC members that are early in their careers to encourage ongoing commitment to science. The individual must have outstanding scientific achievements in the field of pulmonary vascular disease by a mentored early career stage investigator (e.g., paper(s), grants, program building, educational efforts, society contribution), and should have submitted an abstract for at least two ATS meetings. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the annual PC Membership Meeting during the ATS International Conference.
Jane Morse Award
This award is given to the highest rated abstract in the Pulmonary Hypertension category submitted to the Assembly on Pulmonary Circulation.
Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis (PI-TB)
Early Career Recognition Award
This award is given to a PI-TB member with a record of a clear commitment to PI-TB and ATS, advancing their missions, and with a contribution(s) to the PI-TB Assembly in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, or service (not necessarily leadership).
Mid-Career Peer Recognition Award
This award is given to a PI-TB member with a clear commitment to PI-TB and ATS, advancing their missions, and with a contribution(s) to the PI-TB Assembly and/or ATS in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching or service (may include leadership).
Senior-Level Peer Recognition Award
This award is given to a PI-TB member with clear commitment to PI-TB and the ATS, advancing their missions, and with significant contribution(s) to the PI-TB Assembly in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, mentoring or service (may include leadership).
Rising Star Award for Basic Scientific and/or Translational Research
This award is given to a PI-TB member with research contribution(s) in the area(s) of basic science, translational research, and/or "bedside to community" (i.e. implementation) research. Up to two awardees will be chosen for this program. They will showcase their research by each giving a 15-minute talk in one of two sessions featuring “Rising Stars.” Winners of the Rising Stars of Research Program from AII, PI-TB, RCMB, and RSF Assemblies will present their work at the Science and Innovation Center during the ATS International Conference. Certificates will also be awarded during that session.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)
Early Career Research Achievement Award
This award is given to a Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) Assembly member (primary or secondary) who has recognized scientific contribution(s) to the principles and practice of pulmonary rehabilitation and has made contributions to PR Assembly (and ATS) activities. Relevant research contributions may include but are not limited to: program structure, program content, outcomes or outcome measures, skeletal muscle dysfunction, exercise training, adjuncts to exercise training, mechanisms underlying benefits of PR, education, self- management, health-enhancing behavior change, social or psychological support, knowledge translation and program accreditation.
Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is to recognise a clinician and/or researcher who is considered to have made a lifetime contribution to the advancement of Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The award could be posthumous or post-retirement.
Mid Career Research Achievement Award
This award is given to a PR Assembly member (primary or secondary) who has recognized scientific contribution(s) to the principles and practice of pulmonary rehabilitation and demonstrated meaningful contribution(s) to the PR Assembly activities. Relevant research contributions may include but are not limited to: program structure, program content, outcomes or outcome measures, skeletal muscle dysfunction, exercise training, adjuncts to exercise training, mechanisms underlying benefits of PR, education, self- management, health-enhancing behavior change, social or psychological support, knowledge translation and program accreditation. Applicants may have previously received an Early Career Research Achievement Award.
Recognition Award
This award is given in recognition of service to the field of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the ATS Assembly on Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The award is presented annually at the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Membership Meeting.
Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (RCMB)
Andy Tager Award for Excellence in Mentoring
Dr. Andy Tager was a remarkable physician-scientist who combined his talent as an astute and caring physician, with that of a creative and insightful scientist, and with a lifelong dedication to helping others. Dr. Tager received multiple national awards for his discovery of bioactive lipids as potential targets of therapy in interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and distinguishing himself as one of the few to fulfill the dream of taking his work from bench to bedside. He was a selfless mentor to trainees and colleagues at his home institution, caring for the careers of those he was mentoring at least as much as his own. Less obvious to others, through his many leadership roles at ATS, Dr. Tager helped promote the professional careers ATS of members, particularly the RCMB Assembly, from all over the world. The Andy Tager Award for Excellence in Mentoring is our tribute to the brilliant, caring man, whose selfless dedication touched so many hearts, in more ways than one.
Carol Basbaum Award
The RCMB has established the Carol B. Basbaum Award in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement, mentorship, and leadership potential to a junior investigator in the field of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.
Recognition of Early Academic Achievement Award (REAAch)
This recognition will be awarded to Early Stage Investigators (ESI) in the Instructor to Assistant Professor rank who demonstrate a sustained commitment to develop a productive academic career with focus on areas covered by the RCMB Assembly. This additional RCMB award intends to acknowledge the need for increased recognition of meritorious efforts of ESI by our assembly, expanding the existent Rising Stars and the Carol Basbaum Awards.
Research Excellence and Service by an International Member Award
The RCMB Assembly serves as a vibrant hub for its diverse membership across the globe, thus enhancing the respiratory science community. This award will recognize an RCMB member with a primary appointment outside of the United States or Canada who has an established record of cutting-edge high impact research that contributes to the understanding and treatment of lung diseases coupled with service within the Assembly and a commitment to the RCMB mission “to promote the long-range goal of the ATS to decrease morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders and life-threatening acute illnesses through an improved understanding of the biological basis of lung disease”. The inaugural award presented, honours Geoff Laurent, Ph.D. and Tomoko Betsuyaku M.D., whose passion for knowledge, service to our community and impact on our understanding of the biological basis of lung disease inspired its creation.
Rising Star Award
Sponsored by the ATS Science and Innovation Center, the Rising Star awards will honor promising, junior basic/translational scientists performing novel research in the area of respiratory structure and function. If suitable candidates are nominated, two Rising Star awards will be presented each year. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
The awardees will showcase their research by presenting 15 min talks during a Rising Stars session hosted by the Science and Innovation Center during the ATS International Conference. The awardees will receive certificates during the same session.
Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF)
Ann Woolcock Memorial Award
This award honors the life of the late Ann Woolcock, M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.P., A.O., of Sydney University. Dr. Woolcock was an international leader in the field of asthma in areas of epidemiology, physiology and medicine. The eligibility criteria for this award have been designed to reflect Dr. Woolcock's priorities during her long, prolific career. The award is intended for all areas of research on obstructive airway disease. It is further intended as recognition for overall accomplishment and future promise by a junior investigator. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
The award consists of a certificate and an honorarium, which will be presented at the ATS International Conference. RSF gratefully acknowledges GlaxoSmithKline and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand for their support of this award.
Rising Star Award
Sponsored by the ATS Science and Innovation Center, the Rising Star awards will honor promising, junior basic/translational scientists performing novel research in the area of respiratory structure and function. If suitable candidates are nominated, two Rising Star awards will be presented each year. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
The awardees will showcase their research by presenting 15 min talks during a Rising Stars session hosted by the Science and Innovation Center during the ATS International Conference. The awardees will receive certificates during the same session.
Dr. Robert Crapo Memorial Innovative Research Methodologies Award
The award honors the life achievements of Robert Crapo, M.D., an international leader in pulmonary function diagnostics research. Dr. Crapo’s seminal work focused on novel approaches to standardizing pulmonary function testing that greatly advanced our understanding of the importance of such testing. This award will honor Dr. Crapo by recognizing a mid-career researcher who is developing new techniques or approaches that show potential for markedly enhancing our understanding of the respiratory structure-function relationship. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
Joseph R. Rodarte Award for Scientific Distinction
This award honors the life of Joseph Rodarte, M.D. Dr. Rodarte was a distinguished member of the American Thoracic Society and the Assembly on Respiratory Structure and Function. Dr. Rodarte was an international leader in the field of respiratory physiology and medicine and made invaluable contributions to our scientific and medical communities. RSF is proud to honor his memory with an award designated for an established investigator who has made distinguished contributions in the area of respiratory structure and function to the field of respiratory physiology and medicine. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
Solbert Permutt Trailblazer Award in Pulmonary Physiology and Medicine
This award honors Solbert Permutt, an intellectual giant who made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of pulmonary physiology and respiratory medicine and served as an inspirational mentor for countless trainees and colleagues. The award is intended for an established investigator who has performed pioneering research in the area of respiratory structure and function and has guided and inspired others in the field. Innovative basic or translational scientists, clinical investigators and clinician-educators who have been outstanding mentors or teachers are eligible. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology (SRN)
James B. Skatrud New Investigator Award
The award is intended to recognize the career accomplishments to date and future promise of a new investigator working in the broad area of respiratory neurobiology and sleep, which includes control of breathing, sleep mechanisms, and sleep-disordered breathing. This may include work at the basic, clinical, epidemiological, or other levels.
This award recognizes a new investigator who is beyond formal training, but not yet fully established. It is not intended for well-established investigators. It is also not intended as recognition for a single project, but rather for overall accomplishments and future potential. There are no citizenship requirements for this award. The awardee will be expected to make a short presentation about their research at the SRN Assembly Membership Meeting. The awardee will receive a framed certificate and a monetary award of up to $1000.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The award will be given to honor the career of an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of sleep or respiratory neurobiology in terms of both scientific and scholarly advances as well as mentoring, teaching, and advocacy to advance public health. This award is given to a candidate at the late Associate Professor, Professor, or Professor Emeritus level (or equivalent) who is recognized for achievement in scholarship over the course of his/her entire career. Contributions to the SRN Assembly in the form of committee participation or leadership, and/or otherwise advancing the SRN mission will be viewed favorably. Awardees will make a short presentation about their career and receive a plaque at the SRN Assembly Membership Meeting during the ATS International Conference.
Carole L. Marcus Outstanding Achievement Award
This award is intended to recognize the career accomplishments in the area of pediatric sleep and respiratory neurobiology. This encompasses the areas of control of breathing, sleep mechanisms, and sleep-disordered breathing from a developmental standpoint, among infants, children, or adolescents. This may include research at the basic, translational, clinical, or population level, teaching, clinical care and/or development of new clinical programs to advance the care of children with sleep and breathing disorders. The award is intended to recognize a new investigator who is beyond formal training, but not yet fully established. It is not intended for well-established investigators. It is also not intended as recognition for a single project, but rather for overall accomplishments and future potential.
Thoracic Oncology (TO)
Early Career Achievement Award
This award will be given to an individual who has made scientific contributions in clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research relevant to the field of thoracic oncology and/or made significant contributions to the Assembly through participation in Assembly and ATS Activities (committees, workshops, document development, etc.). Other considerations for this award include demonstrating meaningful contributions in the areas(s) of clinical care, teaching, innovative program development, and promoting diversity.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The award will be given to an individual who has made outstanding scientific contributions in clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research relevant to the field of thoracic oncology and/or exemplary service to the Assembly through education of the lung cancer community and program development. This award is intended for an established, internationally recognized individual with a record of sustained exemplary achievement in the areas of Assembly interest.
Mid-Career Achievement Award
This award will be given to an individual with a clear commitment to the Thoracic Oncology Assembly and to the ATS, in the form of Assembly participation (committees, mentoring, workshops, document development, etc.), leadership, and promoting diversity. This award will be given to an individual who has demonstrated significant and meaningful contributions to the thoracic oncology field in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, mentoring, promoting diversity, advocacy, and/or service.
Section on Genetics and Genomics
Early Career Investigator Achievement Award
The award recognizes early career investigators with outstanding contributions to the scientific understanding of genetics, genomics, “omics” technologies, and systems biology applications in the fields of respiratory, critical care, and sleep medicine. The Awardee will feature such scientific contributions in a 5-minute presentation at the Section on Genetics and Genomics (SGG) Annual Meeting during the American Thoracic Scientific (ATS) International Conference. There is no monetary award for this recognition. Nominators are encouraged to emphasize the following achievements about a candidate (if applicable): (1) Scientific and Scholarly Productivity, (2) Educational and Mentoring Contributions, (3) Contributions to the Scientific Field, and (4) Participations in ATS, AII or SGG activities.
Section on Medical Education
Alison Clay Early Career Educator Award
The Section on Medical Education is pleased to sponsor the Alison Clay Early Career Educator Award. Learn more about Alison Clay. This award will be awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to education in pulmonary, critical care and/or sleep medicine and has demonstrated the potential for future success as an educator. We welcome nominations of physician-, nursing-, or basic science educators. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the Section of Medical Education membership meeting at the ATS International Conference.
Section on Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters
Lifetime Achievement Award
The award will be given to an individual who has made outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions to areas related to the TID mission. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International Conference. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged.
Mid-Career Achievement Award
This is award is given to an ATS member with exemplary alignment, commitment, and support of ATS and the Section on Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters (TID) goals of advancement of current research efforts to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology and management of inhalational injuries, severe outbreaks of infectious disease and their impact on respiratory and critical care management, and to maximize disaster preparedness in the areas of research, improving public health, teaching, mentoring, and/or service (may include leadership).
Outstanding TID Section Abstract Award
This award recognizes a trainee (graduate student, post-doctoral fellow, clinical trainee) or early stage investigator (within 10 years of completing their terminal research degree and NOT still considered a student or presently in pre- or post-doctoral training program) for their abstract at the ATS International Conference related to TID. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International Conference.
Other Awards & Scholarships
ATS Abstract Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to individuals based on the quality of abstracts submitted as reviewed by the Assembly Program Committees. The number of scholarships given varies from year to year.
International Trainee Scholarships/MECOR Awards
aimed at offering scholarship support to international trainees for their attendance at the ATS International Conference.
Pediatric Resident Development Scholarship
Created by The ATS to introduce pediatric residents to exciting clinical and research advances in respiratory diseases that affect infants, children, and adolescents by providing awardees an opportunity to attend the annual ATS International Conference.
Underrepresented Trainee Development Scholarship
created to increase representation of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as defined by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine research by providing an opportunity for trainees in U.S. based programs to attend the ATS International Conference (IC).
Ziskind Clinical Research Scholar Award
The Ziskind Clinical Research Scholar Award is an ATS Scholarship Award that honors pulmonary and critical care fellows engaged in clinical research.
Elizabeth A. Rich Award
Since 2000, the Membership Committee has presented the Elizabeth A. Rich Award on behalf of Elizabeth A. Rich, MD, a respected ATS member, a mentor, and peer who died tragically at the age of 46 years old. The award recognizes Elizabeth’s dedication and contributions to the field of lung disease research and her position as a female role model and mentor.
Philip Hopewell Prize for Leaders in Global Respiratory Health
The Philip Hopewell Prize for Leaders in Global Respiratory Health is designed to recognize mid-career investigators in low- and middle-income countries who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to clinical and research excellence. This commitment is exemplified by their published research in peer-reviewed journals and their dedicated contributions to global health policy.