Breathe Easy Podcasts

HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Ask the Inventor: On Micro Optical Coherence Tomography, Cross-Country Collaboration, and Physician-Scientist Careers
Ask the Inventor: On Micro Optical Coherence Tomography, Cross-Country Collaboration, and Physician-Scientist Careers

First of a series of podcasts hosted by RSF ECP member Jacelyn Peabody, MD/PhD candidate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Listeners will be treated to an interview with the Co-Inventors, Profs Steven Rowe (Pulmonologist at UAB) and Guillermo Tearney (Pathologist at MGH), on the impact of their invention on our understanding of functional micro-anatomy of airway epithelium and how being cross-country collaborators has shaped their careers as physician-scientists.

Tweet about this podcast @ATS_RSF @jacepeabody and use the hashtag #AskTheInventor.

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