

Documents Development and Implementation Committee

Chair David J. Feller-Kopman, MD, ATSF Lebanon, NH
Vice Chair Ann L. Jennerich, MD, MS, ATSF Seattle, WA
Committee Member Amisha Barochia, MBBS, MHS, ATSF Bethesda, MD
Committee Member Bram Rochwerg, MD, MSc, MSCE, FRCPC, ATSF Hamilton, ON, Canada
Committee Member Christopher J. Ryerson, MD Vancouver, BC, Canada
Committee Member Gautam George, MD Philadelphia, PA
Committee Member Jeremy E. Orr, MD La Jolla, CA
Committee Member Jill Guttormson, MS, PhD, RN, ATSF Milwaukee, WI
Committee Member Madalina Macrea, MD Salem, VA
Committee Member Manoj J. Mammen, FACP, ATSF Rochester, NY
Committee Member Margareth P. Dalcolmo, MD, PhD Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Committee Member Peter E. Morris, MD Birmingham, AL
Committee Member Renda S. Wiener, MD, MPH, ATSF Boston, MA
Committee Member Robert Hallowell, MD Boston, MA
Committee Member Shazia M. Jamil, MD, FCCP, FAASM, ATSF La Jolla, CA
Committee Member Sonye K. Danoff, MD, PhD, FCCP, ATSF Baltimore, MD
Staff Kevin Wilson, ATSF, MD, MD, ATSF New York, NY
Staff Judy Corn New York, NY
Staff John Harmon New York, NY
Staff Rachel Kaye

The Committee is charged with developing ATS policy concerning documents development, document review and evaluation, and document processing as below and making policy recommendations to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The primary responsibility of the Committee is to identify and foster opportunities for the ATS to develop, disseminate and implement ATS documents, and to identify appropriate groups (often within ATS Assemblies or Committees) or individuals to undertake these tasks. As one approach to this goal, it monitors the relevance and current status of previously published ATS documents, proposes dates for revisions, and works with relevant committees to identify and encourage potential document developers to revise and update the documents. The Committee also identifies strategies and opportunities for ATS to develop, disseminate, and implement enduring products, derivatives, and electronic media related to ATS documents in conjunction with other ATS groups, such as the document developers, and the Education Committee. It also identifies members and non-members with expertise to support staff in the development and implementation of these strategies and opportunities.

The Committee oversees the work of the Documents Editor and provides support for the process of developing and reviewing ATS documents. This support may include serving as reviewers. It evaluates the performance of the Documents Editor and transmits this performance evaluation to the Executive Committee. The Documents Committee Chair also reviews the timeline for the status of existing ATS Documents under development at least quarterly.

The Committee recommends methodological policies for the development of official ATS documents and policies concerning effective dissemination and implementation of document recommendations. It is responsible for making policy recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the general issues concerning site and format for publication of ATS documents. It works with the Documents Editor to review and revise Memorandum of Understanding for joint document development activities of the ATS with other societies or groups. The Document Committee and the Documents Editor are dually responsible for reviewing these Memorandum of Understanding before the Executive Director reviews and signs on behalf of the ATS.

Benchmarks, 2024-2025:
▪ Continue implementation of the top-down strategic approach to guideline development.
▪ Develop an approach to promoting the clinical statement as a document, including better characterization of the differences between clinical statements and clinical practice guidelines.
▪ Continue implementation of the guideline methodology training program.
▪ Define core competencies and develop a curriculum for the guideline methodology training program.
▪ Develop an approach to assessing competency for the guideline methodology training program, to be accompanied by a certification process for those who successfully graduate.
▪ The committee will be responsible for reviewing content it has previously posted to the ATS website to determine if it should be updated and moved to the new site or archived/deleted. Using parameters established by the ATS Digital Content Committee as a guideline, committee members will make necessary modifications to ensure the content is accurate and conforms with established ATS standards. Reviews are to be completed by December 1, 2024.