Career Development

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Training Program Directors

Resources for Program Directors

The ATS is committed to providing the best information to our Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Fellowship Program Directors as it is they who will be educating the next generation of physicians and scientists in the field.  To support this very important cause, the ATS Training Committee has put together the ATS Resources for Training Directors web site.

Some of the content available on this site includes links to the ATS Training Program Directory, the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) web site, the Match program and useful information related to Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).  This web site also contains ATS career development resources tailored for pulmonary, critical care and sleep fellows as well as the latest information on “Fellow Events” at the ATS International Conference.

Questions or comments - send an email to fellows@thoracic.org.  Or better yet, if you are a Program Director and have ideas on how the Society can better serve you, let your voice be heard!

Resources for Program Directors

Resources for Your Fellows

See the latest from Lung Ed. 

Questions? Please send an email to Lauren Lynch, Director of Educational Programs at llynch@thoracic.org.