Breathe Easy Podcasts

HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Control of Confounding and Reporting of Results in Causal Inference Studies: Guidance for Authors from Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals
Control of Confounding and Reporting of Results in Causal Inference Studies: Guidance for Authors from Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals

The Assembly on Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology (SRN) and Assembly on Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR) are pleased to announce a combined Journal Club (JC).

This month the SRN and BSHSR assemblies present a very informative paper published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society entitled "Control of Confounding and Reporting of Results in Causal Inference Studies: Guidance for Authors from Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals."

On the podcast Dr. Rob Stansbury, co-chair of the ATS SRN Journal Club Committee, and Dr. Michelle Eakin, chair of the ATS BSHSR Journal Club Committee, interview lead author Dr. Dave Lederer who is Associate Professor at Columbia University and Editor-in-Chief of Annals ATS.

Dr. Eakin and Dr. Stansbury are joined on the podcast by Dr. Susan Redline and Dr. Alison Turnbull.

Dr. Redline is the Peter C. Farrell Professor of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Redline's research focuses primarily on epidemiological studies designed to elucidate the etiologies of sleep disorders and epidemiological and clinical trials aimed at understanding health outcomes of sleep disorders.

 Dr. Turnbull has a PhD in epidemiology and is an assistant profession in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine with a joint appointment in the Department of Epidemiology at the School of  Public Health.


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