Breathe Easy Podcasts

HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Critical Perspective: Designing ARDS Trials in the 21st century with Drs. Lanspa and Gong
Critical Perspective: Designing ARDS Trials in the 21st century with Drs. Lanspa and Gong

In this "Breathe Easy Critical Perspective" podcast, Dr. Dominique Pepper interviews Drs. Lanspa and Gong. They discuss how to better design ARDS trials in the 21st century. Dr. Mike Lanspa is an Associate Professor at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City and Vice-Chair of the ATS Web Editorial Committee. Dr. Michelle Ng Gong is the Director of Critical Care Research in the Division of Critical Care Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center (New York), an award-winning educator, and a member of the ATS Program Committee.

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