
HomeAdvocacy ▶ Research

Investments in research funding are essential to improving patient care, now and in the future. Today’s investments in basic, clinical, and translational research will enable researchers to expand the knowledge base on the detection, prevention, treatment and cure of critical care illness, respiratory disease, and sleep disordered breathing. The ATS is committed to working with Congress, the Administration, as well as other policy makers to maximize the public investment in biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Health Research and Quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Veterans Affairs.

Each year, ATS members meet with Members of Congress and their staff to advocate for medical research funding. One area of research for which the ATS advocates is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. In this video, patients/caregivers share their stories and react to the dearth of research dollars dedicated to finding treatment for this condition.