When worn correctly, masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. To help you protect yourself and those you care about, we’ve pulled together the following guidelines, information, and resources that will ensure you’re masking the right way.

COVID-19 is spread primarily through respiratory droplets, which are released into the air when an infected person sneezes, coughs, sings, or even talks.
Close contact with a person infected with COVID-19 or touching a contaminated surface are the most common ways that you can become infected from a respiratory droplet.
People infected with COVID-19 may not show any signs or symptoms or infection but can still make others sick.
Safety measures should be taken even with the COVID-19 vaccination.
Additional Resources:<ATS | Face Coverings in a Pandemic
CDC | Masks Protect You & Me

- Everyone over the age of two.
- Children less than two years of age, developmentally delayed individuals, or people with severe lung disease may not tolerate a tight-fitting face covering. Additionally, anyone who has trouble removing a face covering without assistance should not wear a face covering. In these circumstances, consider a face shield and greater social distancing.
ATS | Face Coverings in a Pandemic
CDC | Considerations for Wearing a Mask
CDC | Masks Protect You & Me
WHO | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Children and Masks

- Your face covering s hould contain at least two layers of washable, breathable fabric (most commonly cotton; polypropylene is also often used).
- A disposable medical procedure mask can be used. It cannot be cleaned.
- Your face covering should fit snugly against the sides of your face, completely covering your nose and mouth.
- Consider wearing a second mask, such as a cloth mask over a med ical procedure mask, as this may provide better protection.
- If you have trouble breathing with a double mask, wear a single mask but make sure it is a good fit.
Additional Resources:
ATS | Face Coverings in a Pandemic
CDC | Your Guide to Masks
CDC | Masks Protect You & Me

Anytime you are outside of your home, at work, or in the community. Even with COVID 19 vaccination, these measures are still needed.
Additional Resources:
ATS | Face Coverings in a Pandemic
CDC | Masks Protect You & Me

- Stay at least six feet apart.
- Wash your hands regularly.

- ATS | Face Coverings in a Pandemic
- WHO | Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Masks
- CDC and Prevention | Considerations for Wearing Masks
- CDC | Guidance for Wearing Masks
- Healthychildren.org | Face Masks for Children
- JAMA | Moving Personal Protective Equipment Into the Community: Face Shields and Containment of COVID-19
- N95DECON | Surgical Masks: Guidance for the Public

ATS Members: I wear a mask because...
ATS members from around the world share the important reasons they #MaskUp; show us how you’re doing your part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by using the #MaskUp hashtag.