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Assembly Working Groups

Assemblies can choose to form working groups under the purview and approval of the current Assembly Chair. Working groups should include a minimum of five assembly members, but be no larger than twelve. Working groups have a maximum two-year term. Working Groups must complete their goals within the two-year term and cannot be renewed after goals are completed.

Working Groups may be utilized to meet the following goals:

  • Facilitate effective collaboration between Assembly Executive Committees and Assembly Members in a particular
    area within the Assembly;
  • To gain knowledge in a specific topic area under an Assembly;
  • Identify learning gaps in specific disease categories; and
  • Assess assembly membership needs.

Working Groups should not be created if the main objectives of the group are to:

  • Develop an official ATS statement
  • Program sessions at the conference
  • Plan networking events

These are the functions of both the Planning and Program Committees of the Assemblies and those committees must be utilized.

Current Assembly Working Groups