"What Educators Are Reading"is a medical education blog by the ATS Section on Medical Education. It highlights current medical education research with the goal of increased dissemination of new and innovative education articles of interest to our members and beyond. Each month a new article will be featured, including a summary of the paper and a short interview with the paper’s authors.
Latest Articles
- February 2024: Starting to Think Like an Expert: An Analysis of Resident Cognitive Processes During Simulation-Based Resuscitation Examinations
Past Articles
- January 2024: Evolutionary Education: The Role of Telementoring and Remote Learning in Bronchoscopy Education
- December 2023: Eye on the Prize: Patient Outcomes Research in Medical Education. ATS Scholar, ats-scholar
- October 2023: A Quality Improvement Approach to Modification of a Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum
- September 2023: Teaching the Teachers: Development and Evaluation of a Racial Health Equity Curriculum for Faculty
- June 2023: The Resident Learning Journey in the Medical Intensive Care Unit
- April 2023: Integrating Narrative Goals of Care in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: Impact on Educational and Clinical Outcomes
- April 2023: Impact of a Multimodal Simulation-based Curriculum on Endobronchial Ultrasound Skills
- March 2023: Evolving Needs of Critical Care Trainees during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study
- March 2023: A Tool to Assess Competence in Critical Care Ultrasound Based on Entrustable Professional Activities
- February 2023: Will Any Road Get You There? Examining Warranted and Unwarranted Variation in Medical Education
- February 2023: Simulation-based Assessment to Measure Proficiency in Mechanical Ventilation Among Residents
- December 2022: How do People Use and View Infographics that Summarise Health and Medical Research? A Cross-Sectional Survey
- November 2022: A Prospective Trial of an In-house Overnight Fellow Rotation in the Intensive Care Unit
- November 2022: Beyond the ICU Rotation: The Importance of Trainee Involvement in Post–Intensive Care Unit Clinics
- October 2022: Mobile Device: A Useful Tool to Teach Inhaler Devices to Healthcare Professionals
- October 2022: Cocreating the ICU-PAUSE Tool for Intensive Care Unit-Ward Transitions
- August 2022: A Way Forward in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Making the Case for Narrative Competence in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- July 2022: Impact of Deliberate Practice on Point-of-Care Ultrasound Interpretation of Right Ventricle Pathology
- June 2022: Medical Students and the Drive for a Single Right Answer: Teaching Complexity and Uncertainty
- May 2022: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on U.S. Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Training
- April 2022: Impact of Mentoring on Academic Career Success for Women in Medicine: A System Review
- February 2022: All Together Now: Implementation of an Interprofessional Critical Care Educational Curriculum
- January 2022: Effect of Palliative Care Curriculum on Serious Illness Conversation Preparedness
- December 2021: Characteristics of Effective Teachers of Invasive Bedside Procedures: A Multi-institutional Qualitative Study
- November 2021: Bronchoscopy Teaching Without a Gold Standard. Attending Pulmonologists’ Assessment of Learners, Supervisory Styles and Variation in Practice
- October 2021: Longitudinal Milestone Assessment Extending Through Subspecialty Training: The Relationship Between ACGME Internal Medicine Residency Milestones and Subsequent Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Milestones
- September 2021: Procedural Training of Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows Varies by Procedural Risk and Volume
- August 2021: The Physician Healer Track: Educating the Hearts and the Minds of Future Physicians
- July 2021: Development of Learning Curves for Bronchoscopy: Results of a Multicenter Study of Pulmonary Trainees
- June 2021: Pulmonary Critical Care Fellows' Use of and Self-reported Barriers to Learning Bedside Ultrasound During Training: Results of a National Survey.
- May 2021: Diversity in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Pipeline. Trends in Gender, Race, and Ethnicity among Applicants and Fellows.
- April 2021: An Educational Intervention to Increase Student Engagement in Feedback
- March 2021: Balancing Demands: Determinants of Burnout Reported by Fellows in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- February 2021: Impact of Novel Multiinstitutional Curriculum on Critical Care Fellow Ventilator Knowledge
- January 2021: Gender Bias in Collaborative Medical Decision Making: Emergent Evidence
- December 2020: A National Survey of Burnout and Depression Among Fellows Training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine: A Special Report by the APCCMPD
- November 2020: Incoming International Medical Graduates and the COVID-19 Pandemic: More Than Meets the Eye
- October 2020: Pandemics and Innovation: How Medical Education Programs Can Adapt Extraclinical Teaching to Maintain Social Distancing
- September 2020: Improving Transitions of Care between the Intensive Care Unit and General Internal Medicine Ward
- August 2020: Development and Implementation of a Novel Learner-driven Precepting Model for Pulmonary Fellowship
- June 2020: Peer Coaching as a Faculty Development Tool: A Mixed Methods Evaluation
- May 2020: Integrating Telemedicine into Training: Adding Value to Graduate Medical Education Through Electronic Consults
- April 2020:What Makes the "Perfect" Inpatient Consultation? A Qualitative Analysis of Resident and Fellow Perspectives
- March 2020: Patient safety superheroes in training: using a comic book to teach patient safety to residents
- February 2020: Lessons Learned From Web and Social Media-Based Educational Initiatives by Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Societies
- January 2020 (Extra): Imposter syndrome among physicians and physicians in training: A scoping review
- January 2020: Response to Microaggressions
- December 2019: Simulation-based interdisciplinary education improves intern attitudes and outlook toward colleagues in other disciplines
- November 2019: Beyond “Read More”: An Intervention to Improve Faculty Written Feedback to Learners
- October 2019: Mechanical Ventilation Training During Graduate Medical Education: Perspectives and Review of the Literature
- September 2019: Associations Between In-Hospital Mortality, Health Care Utilization, and Inpatient Costs With the 2011 Resident Duty Hour Revision
- August 2019: Use of Fellow as Clinical Teacher (FACT) Curriculum for Teaching During Consultation: Effect on Subspecialty Fellow Teaching Skills
- July 2019: Does Performance on Evidence-Based Medicine and Urgent Clinical Scenarios Assessments Deteriorate During the Fourth Year of Medical School?
- May 2019: Role Models’ Influence on Specialty Choice for Residency Training: A National Longitudinal Study
- April 2019: Digital Affinity in Medical Students Influences Learning Outcome: A Cluster Analytical Design Comparing Vodcast With Traditional Lecture
- March 2019: Critical thinking in critical care: five strategies to improve teaching and learning in the intensive care unit
- February 2019: Characterising ICU-ward handoffs at three academic medical centres: process and perceptions
- January 2019: Twelve tips for applying change models to curriculum design, development and delivery, Medical Teacher
- December 2018: Feasibility, Safety, and Utility of Advanced Critical Care Transesophageal Echocardiography
- October 2018: A Novel Approach to Meeting QI/PS Competency Across a Large Department
- September 2018: Eight-year outcomes of a competency-based residency
- Ethnic bias and clinical decision-making among New Zealand medical students: an observational study
- From good to excellent: Improving clinical departments’ learning climate in residency training
- Gender Differences in Academic Medicine: Retention, Rank, and Leadership Comparisons From the National Faculty Survey
- A Toolkit for Medical Education Scholarship. Journal of Graduate Medical Education
- Google Glass Video Capture of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Events: A Pilot Simulation Study
- Critical care rotation impact on pediatric resident mental health and burnout
- An evaluation of flipped e-learning experiences
- How Supervisor Experience Influences Trust, Supervision, and Trainee Learning: a Qualitative Study
- The Graduate Medical Education Scholars Track
- The discriminatory patient and family: Strategies to address discrimination towards trainees
- Grit as a predictor of risk of attrition in surgical residency
- The Effects of Race and Racial Concordance on Patient-Physician Communication: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- The Missing Link: Connection Is the Key to Resilience in Medical Education
- Physicians and Implicit Bias: How Doctors May Unwittingly Perpetuate Health Care Disparities
- Would Socrates Have Actually Used the "Socratic Method" for Clinical Teaching?
- Training Physicians to Provide High-Value, Cost-Conscious Care: A Systematic Review
- Development and Validation of an Assessment Tool for Competency in Critical Care Ultrasound
- Association between end-of-rotation resident transition in care and mortality among hospitalized patients
- Using Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction in a Residency Program’s Core Curriculum: Enhancing Satisfaction, Engagement, and Retention
- Identifying educator behaviors for high quality verbal feedback in health professions education
- Will This Hemodynamically Unstable Patient Respond to a Bolus of Intravenous Fluids?
- Preclinical medical student observations associated with later professionalism concerns
- Early Identification of Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest With No Chance of Survival and Consideration for Organ Donation