
HomeMembersAssemblies and SectionsSectionsMedical EducationWebinars ▶ Modeling and Teaching EBM at the Bedside: Practicing Skills to Bring Down Barriers
Modeling and Teaching EBM at the Bedside: Practicing Skills to Bring Down Barriers

This Section on Medical Education webinar will be an interactive session reviewing strategies to teach best practices for incorporating evidence-based medicine in real-time.  There will be presentations by experts in the field, opportunities to interact with other participants and to ask questions of the speakers.

 Our webinar is scheduled for September 29th at 3pm EST, and is titled Modeling and Teaching EBM at the Bedside: Practicing Skills to Bring Down Barriers.

 This webinar features three nationally recognized medical educators:

 Erin R Camac, DO

Associate Professor of Medicine

University of Kentucky

 Laura Hinkle, MD, ATSF

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

Indiana University

 Lisa Karen Vande Vusse, MD, MSCE

Assistant Professor of Medicine

University of Washington


We invite your participation in this session and look forward to an insightful discussion.  If you have questions about this session or have suggestions for future sessions, please contact:


Avi Cooper, MD (Avraham.Cooper@osumc.edu)

ATS Section on Medical Education