Welcome Message
The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common but severe condition that can occur as a result of many illnesses or injuries. The condition involves injury to the lungs that results in low oxygen levels and breathing failure. Almost 200,000 patients in the U.S. experience ARDS, and up to 75,000 patients die as a result of the condition. Many days of hospitalization, including days in the intensive care unit, are required for the care of patients with ARDS. Members of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) are dedicated to conducting research to improve care for patients with ARDS. The ATS provides research funds to investigators and provides a forum to share new research ideas among investigators. The ATS also educates physicians, nurses, therapists, and patients about the best available treatments and how to make sure those treatments are provided to all patients who need them.

Shannon Carson, MD
Division Chief
Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine
UNC School of Medicine

Michael Hurley
ARDS Foundation, Board Member
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable

ARDS Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting patients and families faced with the horrific diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). We are dedicated to increasing awareness about this little known syndrome. We work diligently to offer educational materials to families and patients who find themselves faced with an ARDS diagnosis for themselves or a family member. We work passionately with clinicians to ensure that the patient and family perspective is properly addressed from the time a patient enters the ICU until the time they leave the hospital. Finally, we partner with those in industry who realize how important the ARDS Community is and that we are all in this fight against ARDS together
Disclaimer:"The ATS Lung Disease Week Web site is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, a diagnosis from a physician, or direct medical care. If you are concerned about your health or that of a family member, please consult your family's healthcare provider immediately. Do not wait for a response from our members, staff or partners."