Welcome Message
Welcome to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Lung Disease Week. This week (October 2nd – 8th) is highlighting the use of supplemental oxygen with the theme of “Advocating for Yourself”. Supplemental oxygen is a treatment for people with various types of heart and lung problems. It is used by an estimated 1.5 million persons in the United States and many more worldwide. The use of supplemental oxygen includes patients of all age groups and with multiple different types of lung and/or heart diseases. Approximately 50% of patients using oxygen in the US report problems with their home oxygen equipment (malfunction, inadequate portable devices, and the burden of heavy equipment). The need for patient and clinician education, research and advocacy is significant in order to ensure that patients receive oxygen therapy in a timely manner, with appropriate therapeutic education and training, and with devices that are functional, safe and effective in delivering oxygen that meets patients’ physiologic and lifestyle needs. Your Respiratory Care Team will help you choose equipment that works best for you.
Recent investigations by the ATS Nursing Assembly, clinicians and patient advocacy foundations, and the more recently formed multi-disciplinary ATS Oxygen Special Interest Group, have worked tirelessly over the past six years to: 1. identify the barriers of delivery of optimal oxygen services, 2. formulate strategies to address these barriers, and 3. collaborate with others to launch educational, regulatory, and research initiatives. We hope that during this week’s focus on oxygen therapy, we can raise awareness about this important topic.
Learning about and getting involved in YOUR oxygen treatment can help you feel better.
It's your week!
Susan Jacobs, RN, MS
Research Nurse Coordinator
PCCM Division
Stanford School of Medicine
Carme Hernandez, PhD, MsC, RN, FERS
Coordinator of Integrated Care Programs
Hospital Clinic
University of Barcelona
Kristen Willard, MS
Executive Vice President of Public and Professional Education
COPD Foundation
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable
Sue Sherman, MHA
Chief Executive Officer
The LAM Foundation
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable
ATS Oxygen: Advocation for Yourself Week Partners

The COPD Foundation is a patient-centered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization committed to preventing COPD, bronchiectasis, and NTM lung disease, and to seeking cures while improving lives and advocating for all affected. Embracing innovation, we engage, educate, and empower our community through a unique 360 degree approach.

The LAM Foundation urgently seeks safe and effective treatments, and ultimately a cure, for lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) through advocacy and the funding of promising research. We are dedicated to serving the scientific, medical and patient communities by offering information, resources and a worldwide network of hope and support.