Welcome to the Assembly/Committee Project Application Resource Center. The Resource Center will assist Project Investigators in navigating the application process. Additionally, for approved projects, the Project Application Resource Center will help project investigators stay on track throughout the life of the project. You will find several valuable resources on this page that will help you submit and complete an Assembly/Committee project application.
- Developing an Official ATS Document Video Learn about the different types of official ATS Documents, the steps to preparing a proposal, general timelines, etc.
- Sample Project Application
- ATS Document Types and Definitions
- Guidelines for Official ATS Documents (GATS)
- Planning Committee Chair Contact Information
- FY2025 Project Application Timeline
- Application Instructions
- Staff Contact Information for any questions
Developing an Official ATS Document Video
To access the slides to the above video, please click here.
Sample Project Applications
The following project applications were reviewed and considered good applications. The authors of these applications have given the ATS permission to share their applications.
ATS Document Types and Definitions
Statements – There are two types of statements; policy statements and research statements. Policy statements present ATS positions on issues that pertain to bioethics, public health policy, health care financing and delivery, medical education, and governmental policy. Research statements present ATS positions on issues that pertain to governmental funding of research, future research needs and initiatives, and other issues that promote or hinder pulmonary, critical care, and sleep research.
Workshop Reports - Workshop reports are summaries of conferences and workshops that were sponsored by the ATS. While most of the content in the report should derive from the conference or workshop, additional discussions and further development of ideas following the conference or workshop are acceptable.
Clinical Practice Guidelines - Clinical practice guidelines make diagnostic and treatment recommendations that assist physicians, other healthcare practitioners, and patients to make decisions about the appropriate course of action in specific clinical situations. They are developed by a multidisciplinary committee, which must include individuals with prior experience in the development of guidelines, systematic reviews, and/or a GRADE-based project.
Clinical Statements- Clinical statements are like clinical practice guidelines in that they make diagnostic and treatment recommendations. Recommendations must be informed by a systematic review of the evidence; however, they do not require that the GRADE approach be used to write and grade recommendations.
Technical Statements - Technical statements describe how to perform a test or procedure. They do not compare tests or procedures, nor do they identify populations to which a test or procedure should be applied. Technical statements should be based upon evidence, but they do not require a full or pragmatic systematic review of the literature.
For a more detailed description of Statements, Guidelines, Technical Standards & Reports please click here.
For a more detailed explanation of document development including policies and procedures, Methodological tools for systematic reviews and guideline development, and more examples of each type of ATS Document, please visit our ATS page on Documents Development by clicking here.
Guidelines for Official ATS Documents (GATS)
Please click here to view a comprehensive policy manual for Official ATS Documents.
Assembly Planning Chairs Contact Information
If you have a suggestion for a project application and you need assistance, we encourage you to contact your Assembly Planning Committee Chair:
Assembly on Allergy Immunology & Inflammation (AII) | Hrishikesh S Kulkarni, MD, MSc, ATSF | drhkulkarni@gmail.com |
Assembly on Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR) | Katie Artis, MD, MPH | kathryn.artis@va.gov |
Assembly on Clinical Problems (CP) | Ken M. Kunisaki, MD, MSCR, ATSF | kenkunisaki.md@gmail.com |
Assembly on Critical Care (CC) | Kelly C. Vranas, MD, MSCR | vranas@ohsu.edu |
Assembly on Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH) | Daniel Croft, MD, MPH, ATSF | daniel_croft@urmc.rochester.edu |
Assembly on Nursing (NUR) | Tierney A. Keeton-Tucker, DNP, APN | tierney.keeton-tucker@pennmedicine.upenn.edu |
Assembly on Pediatrics (PED) | Mai K. Elmallah, MD, MS | mai.elmallah@duke.edu |
Assembly on Pulmonary Circulation (PC) | Natalie N. Bauer, PhD | nbauer@southalabama.edu |
Assembly on Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis (PI-TB) | Kristina A. Crothers, MD, ATSF | kcrothers@medicine.washington.edu |
Assembly on Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) | Narelle S Cox, PT, MSci, PhD | narelle.cox@monash.edu |
Assembly on Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology (RCMB) | Stefanie Krick, MD, PhD | skrick@uabmc.edu |
Assembly on Respiratory Structure & Function (RSF) | Laura Walkup, PhD | laura.walkup@cchmc.org |
Assembly on Sleep Respiratory & Neurobiology (SRN) | Sushmita Pamidi, MD, MSci | sushmita.pamidi@mcgill.ca |
Assembly on Thoracic Oncology (TO) | Tobias Peikert, MD | peikert.tobias@mayo.edu |
Assembly/Committee Project NEW/RENEWAL Application Timeline
July 1, 2024: FY2025 NEW / RENEWAL/ NEW JOINT ATS/ERS Project Applications & Instructions will be available on the ATS Website.
July 31, 2024: Assembly/Committee online project applications are due electronically on the ATS Website http://www.thoracic.org/assemblies/project-application.php Late submissions will not be accepted.
August 5th– August 19th, 2024: Assembly Planning Committees will meet via conference call to review all proposals. Any proposals that have indicated that a specific ATS committee may want to be involved in the proposal will be forwarded to the specific ATS committee chair and to the appropriate staff member. Committees are encouraged to work with appropriate ATS staff, review committee proposals and to send the committees recommendations to the applicant and to the PRS.
August 5th– August 19th, 2024: ERS Task Force reviews all joint Applications and provides feedback to Project Chairs.
September 2nd, 2024: Final revised proposals and all reviews from Assemblies and Committees are due online. This includes all proposals that have revisions based on reviews by Assembly Planning Committees or an ATS Standing Committees.
September 4th - October 7th, 2023: PRC Review begins
Mid- October: Program Review Committee (PRC) meeting
Late- October: ATS Finance Committee meeting. Recommendations from the PRS will be provided to the Finance Committee. At the discretion of the Finance Committee, specific projects will be added to the FY2025 budget as new items.
December 2024: ATS Board reviews FY2025 Budget
Late December – Early January Final Approval Letters are sent to project applicants.
Assembly Committee New/Renewal Project Application
The Assembly/Committee project application will be accepted online only. You can access the online application at the link and detailed instructions below. Please read the instructions carefully and have them available as you work on your application.
To get started please use the document titled: Electronic Online Application Instructions to get started. This document will give you step-by-step instructions on how to access, submit and edit the Assembly/Committee Project applications. You will need your ATS Username and Password to begin an application. The instructions also include information on how to retrieve your username and password if you have forgotten it.
- Electronic Online Application Instructions
- Assembly Committee Projects Introduction
- Assembly Committee New Project Application Instructions
- Assembly Committee New Joint ATS/ERS Project Application Instructions
- Assembly Committee Renewal Project Application Instructions
- Guidelines for Submission of ATS Assembly and Committee New/Renewal Project Applications
For any questions regarding the following topics:
General Projects Questions: Contact Miriam Rodriguez, Managing Director, of Assembly, Research and Award Programs
Document types: Contact Kevin Wilson, MD, Chief, Documents Development or Judy Corn, Senior Director, Document Development.
ERS rules and procedure, for ERS/ATS projects: email: guidelines_statements@ersnet.org
Technical issues completing a project application: Contact Miriam Rodriguez, Managing Director, of Assembly, Research and Award Programs